Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Reading R'iting & R'thmetic

That's it again this week. And maybe (probably) next week. We've got quite a bit going on. Every single night last week we were gone, the same has been for this week. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Even Sunday, we had planned to just take it easy (you know - rest!) but when we invited someone out to eat they wanted us to go to "the big city," so before we knew it - the day was GONE again! Life is just a bit busy. So, we're doing light work.

On a positive note, this week we should be getting some things in the mail:

Finally getting SOW volumes II-IV!!, Managers of their homes, chores, school & the meek & quiet spirit book (whatever the name of it is). It was a bundle, so next week I'll be working those out trying to see if we can get our schedule, etc. nailed down. That's partly why I'm making next week light too.

Professor B math - praying it will help my oldest not hate math anymore

Handwriting for both my ker and 4th grader, - happy handwriting & cheerful cursive.

And, I also bought a unit study by Amanda Bennett for Christmas. She was having a good sale $6 including shipping, so I couldn't resist. I've never done any of her unit studies before, but we'll try it out. I like to have a loose plan for our christmas month.

I've also found some good deals at the thrift stores around here. I LOVE LOVE LOVE buying books at the thrift store! I can find so many really good books for cheap! I got a book called "The Everyday English Handbook" for our English. It looks like it will work instead of buying R&S's.

I'll try to give a review on some of these after we've used them for a bit. I might chime in and do a review of some of the things I've used if I get some quiet time sometime here too.

We'll be back by the 15th of February for sure!
See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tax time is so much fun:-) Some of my new stuff is trickling in. Look forward to your reviews:-)