Monday, November 16, 2009


Wow. Can you believe we've gotten this far????

I thought we'd never get out of Genesis!!!!!!!!!
Yet, here we are - next week we're done.


Ok...where was I?

Oh yeah - 1A11.
Sheesh. We are really staying on track here. I'm just amazed. We just started 1A11 today and all we did was read & do science. The reading took us a longer than an hour I think with all of the starts and stops. Probably more. I'm going to have to figure out how to work that out since starting in 1B we'll be going through several books - and Leviticus in ONE week! I'm still brainstorming on how to present that book to them.

Later I'll make a post on some of the upcoming plans explaining what's happening after Christmas. For now I just wanted to check in to say that we're on track and things are going really well. We picked up this Skywatching book (one of the books in the set) from Good Will the other day for $2.99. No, my favorite sister in law - we haven't gone to the BIG one yet. :o) When you come to visit we'll go...don't take too long or we'll have to go without ya. Anyway, it's a perfect book! We're having such a good time learning about the evening sky! This book recommends buying a pair of good binoculars first before buying a telescope. I'm so glad that I read that because I think that it is such a great idea! Binoculars are much more diverse - you can use them for a lot of things, so I could justify the expense.

We also have this book coming in the mail. I LOVE this book. We got this from the library awhile back and it is a MUST have if you are trying to learn the constellations! It is written by the guy who created Curious George. I bought this book (along with a few others...) from Linda's Used Books. Love the idea of an online bookstore with thrift store prices! ;o)

Anyway, I'd better get back to our school time. Superkid is reading A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 aloud to me right now. I'm only half listening, but it's ok - I think he's only reading aloud so that he can focus and ask questions when he needs to.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic day in Jesus!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mercy!
For Leviticus, my study bible labels how the 6 kinds of sin offerings relate back to Christ. You could maybe do a little folding book on that, and talk about how we have to strive to obey God's commandments, differentiating between the moral and ceremonial laws? This is what I'm planning to do, and it also has the benefit of skipping the 'icky' laws you don't necessarily want to discuss in any sort of depth with younger children. Your blog is a real encouragement (if you don't mind me saying so) and I wish you the best in your school year!