Friday, May 8, 2009

We are really on track!

I think I've finally found our "niche" with SOW. We have a routine that is being put in place. That was something that was bothering me about SOW. It seemed that even though my son was in the word of God almost daily with all the different assignments, we (as a family) didn't seem to be working together and things were a little scattered.

So, here's how things are working.

Our daily schedule:
Wake (Mommy time to pray, then wakes kids)
5 min. room pickup (all of us!)
Breakfast (bye to Daddy)
Read Bible (we're just reading straight through so that we can be faithful to "just read." We started in the new test. and we're almost done with Matthew.)
Pray for the world. (using Windows on the World - we're doing a country per month.)
Then I have a little system to assign daily work. (I'll explain in a minute)
If there is any reading to be done aloud, we do it here.
Superkid does his independent work while I do preschool with little bear.
Then...we go to the park!!! We've been doing this almost every day since the weather has been so nice. It provides a nice breather for the afternoon.

That's it in a nutshell.

I want to explain our new system for assigning independent work. Within his binder I have placed a folder with pockets on both sides. The first side is where I put his worksheets (including math) and a little note with his list of what to do that day. I will put any explanations if I need to there too. So far I have been able to talk it over with him each day, but if I happen to have a really crazy day it will be there for him to get started on without me. It only takes a few minutes for me to set up each day and that way we're all ready. I call it "doing my homework." He laughs at me when I say that. Anyway, when he is finished with his assignments he just puts them on the other side for me to check. Once they have been stamped by me I'll put them back in the folder and the next day he puts them in his binder where they belong. Isn't that neat? It is working really well for us.

I am thankful that we finally found a system that I think will work for us for a long time! Like I said, I think that was part of my hesitation with SOW. Now, the problem is resolved!!! YAY!

Oh, and obviously this new system is working really well for us - we're on to 1A5 now! That went much quicker and smoother than it had been. Before the "system" I was filling in misc. non-sow school because I couldn't get SOW down. I think we'll start going much faster now that I kind of know better what it is I am doing. I'm renewed!

Wish my camera was working better.
I want to share all of the fun stuff we're doing around here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds real good!